This post begins a series of two-layer warping (2LW) instructions. I haven’t done much exploring of this weaving method, and haven’t invented many patterns yet. There are a number of patterns available in 100 Pin Loom Squares by Florencia Campos Correa and there are a few available in the vintage pattern booklets on And I’m in the process of inventing more.
Please check out my video series demonstrating the techniques described in this and the following posts.
2LW Part 1—Basic Twill
2LW Part 2—Twill Changing Direction
(I’m using stretchy wool for these squares, so it’s OK to warp more snugly.)
Samples featuring pink yarn and the Zoom Loom are the most basic method for 2LW. If you want to eliminate all the fancy distractions, follow those photos. By the way, if you are a Zoom Loom user, I strongly recommend you purchase a longer needle to make weaving more comfortable with its wide frame.
The turquoise yarn/cream-colored Weave-It photos will show how to prepare the loom if you wish to work the beginning yarn tail in as you weave. It also shows a warping variation at Cr2 that might make weaving a bit easier.
Some demo photos show the same procedure with different squares, so sometimes photo samples are yellow, sometimes purple.
Let me take a moment to explain why I anchor my yarn as I do on the loom. I like the beginning tail long enough either to work into the square all the way across the row, or to be used to sew the squares together later. To avoid having a long tail hanging by Cr1, I tie the yarn near Cr2 and stretch it over to Cr1. This keeps the tail out of the way as I weave.
Warp layer 1 (L1) as usual, OR you may want to alter the last pin wrap and take the warp just outside of Cr2 pin #2. This makes the weaving a little easier later on.
Begin warping L2 from Cr2. (Either bring the warp around one pin or two pins.)
Finish at Cr3. From now on, the loom in the photos is shown “upside down” (1-2 edge at the top) because tying on the second color and weaving begin at Cr3.
If you want to work the L2 tail in as you go, bring the yarn from Cr3, outside the pins, up around Cr1 and anchor it to the 1-2 side of the loom.
Begin weaving at Cr3.
R1: Plain weave (P)
There are three procedures for beginning R1.
- If following the pink sample, it’s straightforward. Begin and end the row Under.
- If following the green sample, begin R1 taking the needle Under the outside tail AND the first warp. (You’ll always treat the outside tail as if it were one strand with the warp.)
- If following the purple sample, begin R1 Over the outside tail, Under the first warp. Hereafter treat the outside tail as if it were one strand with the warp.
Exit the row and bring the yarn around/below the fourth pin of Cr4’s four-pin group.
Now you’re ready to weave any 2LW pattern you choose. If you’d like to continue with a basic 2/2 twill, proceed to the next post.
On Windsweptmind I’ve explained in detail a lot of basic information about two-layer warping (2LW), so you may also want to refer to that post.
Pingback: Diamond Eye — 2″ (15 x 15) 2LW Pattern – Adventures in Pin Loom Weaving