
Unless otherwise noted, all diagrams are copyright Sue Burton, 2017. You may make copies for personal use only. Please contact me if you wish to publish them in any form. Thank you!

Please see also: How to Read the Pattern Diagrams

Though warping (loom prep) is the same for all square and rectangle looms, I’ve prepared a chart for the 1″ and 2″ square looms.

1-inch Warping / Weaving Diagram Layer 1-4

2-inch Warping / Weaving Diagram Layers 1-4

I’ve made an updated chart for the 4″ square loom, but you can still find the more diagrams with explanations below.

4-inch Warping / Weaving Diagram Layer 1-4

The following diagrams demonstrate three-layer warping on the 4″ x 4″ loom. The same method applies to all square and rectangular looms.

For information on yardage requirements and number of pin wraps for other loom sizes, see the Quick Reference page.


2-inch Triangle Warping Diagram Layer 1-4

Diagram for Wunderwag Industries triangle looms:
(Copyright 2017 Wunderwag Industries. Used by permission.)


See also: Triangle Loom — How to Use


2 x 6 Warping Diagram L1-4

For those who want to design their own patterns, I hope you’ll find this diagram useful.

If you don’t want the centers marked, here is one without the pink lines:****************************************

Here is a diagram I designed for planning your own blankets or other projects. If it’s not large enough, you may need to paste several together.

Project Planning Chart

Graph paper available here.