02Apr 2018 Field of Flowers — 4″ (31 x 31) pattern by Sue Burton ⋅ 1 Comment If you don’t look too closely, you won’t notice the aberration. Field of Flowers—front Field of Flowers—back Field of Flowers Related Posted in: 4" Loom Patterns (31 x 31), Nature motifs, Texture Patterns ⋅ Tagged: flowers
Field of Flowers
1 P
2 P6, U3, P13, U3, P6
3 P4, U3, O1, U3, P9, U3, O1, U3, P4
4 Rpt Row 2
5 P14, U3, P14
6 P12, U3, O1, U3, P12
7 Rpt Row 5
8 P4, U3, P17, U3, P4
9 P2, U3, O1, U3, P13, U3, O1, U3, P2
10 P4, U3, P7, U3, P7, U3, P4
11 Rpt Row 6
12 Rpt Row 5
13 Rpt Row 2
14 Rpt Row 3
15 Rpt Row 2
16 P