The Charms series patterns are among my favorites that use Warp Displacement. When I was exploring warp displacement last year I spent a lot of time figuring out exactly how to get this sucked-in X look and how best to complement the shape. For warp displacement patterns, these are quite easy to do.
As I was sorting through piles of squares today, I ran across this one with a note attached: “Rejected.” I decided it was maybe worth including after all, so here it is. The original pattern is called Asian Lanterns.
There’s this phenomenon—what shall we call it? Designing Disease—that happens when I begin posting patterns and commenting on them. Fever strikes and I begin designing anew. Today’s patterns are variations on yesterday’s. (These also, sadly, have no names.) All are warped in L1/2-4 configuration. Seems to be a rule of thumb that when weaving Over and Under groups (usually O3 or U3, but not always), layers 3 and 4, at least, should be the same color.
This first one turned out rather disappointing because I didn’t use high contrast colors (I’m out of practice!), but I think it might be an interesting design. It uses Layer 2 Manipulation (L2M) which might sound intimidating, but is really quite simple. (See also Hourglass pattern on Windsweptmind.)
A PLW friend’s birthday is today, so in her honor—because she’s so supportive of my pattern designing attempts—I’m posting some new patterns.
I haven’t given much thought to PL patterns lately. I’d felt so discouraged recently trying to post the patterns I designed earlier this year (but didn’t post while they were fresh in my mind) that I essentially gave up on them.
The squares in this post are a small stack of experimental designs based on a pattern originally devised 25 June 2016. They’re listed in the order they were woven. You might notice the evolution of certain ideas and motifs. A few are interesting, but none of them have proper names. Read More →
This pattern was originally called “A New Design 4a.” Sometimes I can’t think of a good name while I’m in the thick of designing. Somebody received a square with this pattern in the recent pin loom square swap we started in January (and finished in April) on the Facebook Pin Loom Weaving Support Group. I promised a better name for the design, hope this one qualifies.
Yesterday I was Going Through my Square Stash (tunneling toward Neatness) and ran across a square that was *just*the*thing*. Some squares turn out that way—the right yarn thickness, the right pattern and colors, and an appealing texture.
As previously stated, you can’t really go wrong with Horizontal Xs. Here is yet another variation of the pattern.
Read More →At some point it will be necessary to consolidate all the Horizontal Xs patterns. For now, because I live in semi-chaos, I’m posting this variation here so I can deplete one hodge podge stack of squares and move these two into another.