Spring is here and the crocuses are up.

I don’t know if I love this pattern or not. I got the idea from a quilt block and I reproduced the pattern fairly accurately. The trouble is, with quilting you get to use different colored bits of fabric to make the shape of the flower more apparent. This design shows a large amount of flower body without emphasizing the open petals. As it now stands, here it is…


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Judie Eatough won’t take credit for this pretty weaving draft, but she readied it for the pin loom and brought it to our attention. These are her comments: “Here is a pattern for the dogwood blossom that is a traditional Atwater-Bronson lace pattern. This one uses 3 thread warp floats. The photo is of the unwashed square done in acrylic yarn. The petals round some because the plain weave pushes into the lace areas. Use a yarn that gives you a firm plain weave square.”

Dogwood, woven by Judie Eatough

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