Though I’ve listed this pattern as a variation of Whirling Diamond, I decided to give it the name it had in my quilt block book. There are online quilt block designs called Churn Dash that look very different, but I suppose one woman’s churn dash might easily differ from another’s. Churn Dash and the pattern that follows (Whirling Diamond variation 2) look like their namesake, but their diagrams are dissimilar.

Churn Dash, front

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It’s possible I’ll go back and add the original vintage pattern (from Weave-It Weaves, p 18-19) to this post, but here it is for now.

Eight Single Rib Variation 2

BS “Soft Fern” combined with Bernat Handicrafter size 5 “Ripe Avocado”

Eight Single Rib Variation 2

R1: P
Even Rows: P2, (U3, O1) x 6, U3, P2
Odd Rows: (U1, O3) x 7, P3
R16: P

Eight Single Rib variation 2

Spring is here and the crocuses are up.

I don’t know if I love this pattern or not. I got the idea from a quilt block and I reproduced the pattern fairly accurately. The trouble is, with quilting you get to use different colored bits of fabric to make the shape of the flower more apparent. This design shows a large amount of flower body without emphasizing the open petals. As it now stands, here it is…


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Apparently I designed a LOT of quilt blocks on 20 Oct 2017. These three are only a few of them. This post focuses on the third block. I’m sure this is a really common quilt block pattern, but I can’t find a name for it anywhere (though I’ve located a few very similar-looking blocks). I decided to call it “Whirling Diamond” till someone comes along and corrects me.

20 Oct 2017 — a good day for pattern designs

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