04Jul 2018 Chain Texture — 4″ (31 x 31) pattern by Sue Burton ⋅ 1 Comment Chain Texture—can’t tell if this is front or back; it’s essentially the same on both sides Chain Texture—it doesn’t make the nice diamond shapes you see in the diagram (white squares are Over as are all blue squares; pink squares are Under) Related Posted in: 2LW Patterns (4" or 31 x 31), Texture Patterns
Chain Texture
1. P
2. P
3. P4, (U3, P2, O3, P2)X2, U3, P4
4. P3, (U2, O1, U2, O2, U1, O2)X2, U2, O1, U2, P3
5. Rpt Row 3
6. P
7. P
8. P4, (O3, P2, U3, P2)X2, O3, P4
9. P3, (O2, U1, O2, U2, O1, U2)X2, O2, U1, O2, P3
10. Rpt Row 8
11. P
12. P
13. Rpt Row 3
14. Rpt Row 4
15. Rpt Row 3
16. P
17. P
18. Rpt Row 8
19. Rpt Row 9
20. Rpt Row 8
21. P
22. P
23. Rpt Row 3
24. Rpt Row 4
25. Rpt Row 3
26. P
27. P
28. Rpt Row 8
29. Rpt Row 9
30. Rpt Row 8
31. P