Let’s say you want to design a weaving pattern but don’t know how to go about it. First let’s decide what kind of pattern you want to design—a textured pattern or a figure (e.g. heart, diamond…).

Single Heart Outline, Solid Heart, Cross My Heart 3
Let’s say you want to design a weaving pattern but don’t know how to go about it. First let’s decide what kind of pattern you want to design—a textured pattern or a figure (e.g. heart, diamond…).
Single Heart Outline, Solid Heart, Cross My Heart 3
First of all—and this is easy to overlook; I often make the l-to-r mistake when I forget to pay attention to what I’m doing—READ ROW INSTRUCTIONS LEFT-TO-RIGHT ON EVEN ROWS, RIGHT-TO-LEFT ON ODD ROWS.
These colors usually appear only on three-layer warp (3LW) patterns:
Blue = OVER
White or Gray = PLAIN weave
Green = optional Under
Light Blue = optional Over — not used very often
Here are some examples:
So far I don’t have a chart for two-layer warping (2LW) on a 6″, or 47 x 47, loom. After I design a pattern for it, I’ll upload it. Read More →
If you want to build your own pin loom(s), my husband designed a number of templates in various sizes with the “standard” 1/8-inch spacing. He has also included some with different space measurements between the pins (see individual patterns for pin spacing information).
This chart is in the Diagrams section, but I think it deserves its own post as well. I left lots of room in the individual blocks for notes or other marks.
You can also find these in the Diagrams section at the top of this page.
Diagrams are copyright Sue Burton, 2017. You may make copies for personal use only. Please contact me if you wish to publish them in any form. Thank you!