Yardage Requirements and Recommended Pin Perimeter Wraps for Square Looms
These measurements were usually taken from non-stretchy, worsted weight acrylic yarn (such as Caron Simply Soft) and will be more than adequate for stretchier and thinner yarns. Each measurement includes a very generous ending tail.
See also Hack for Measuring Weft.
1″ x 1″ Loom
2.5 wraps around the pins
20 in (or 23.5 in for sewing tail)
2″ x 2″ Loom
3 wraps around the pins
L1-4: 2 yd, 2 in
L1-3: 1 yd, 18 in; L4: 27 in
L1-2: 1 yd, 2″ ; L3-4: 1 yd, 4.5 in
3″ x 3″ Loom
3 3/4 wraps around the pins
L1-4: 4 yd, 5 in
L1-4: 4 yd, 2 in
4″ x 4″ Loom
5 wraps around the pins
L1-4: 8 yd
L1-3: 5 yds, 24 in; L4: 2yd, 12 in (You can use 2 yd, 6 in if you don’t want a long tail for joining squares.)
L1-2: 3yd, 28 in; L3-4: 4 yd, 3 in*
6″ x 6″ Loom
6.75-7 wraps (The larger the loom, the more difficult it is to predict the measurement for certain yarn types, e.g. Urban Chic brand requires only 6.5 wraps; start with 7 if unsure)
L1-4: 16.5-17 yd
L1-3:12 yd, 24-27 in; L4: 4 yd, 30 in (this was measured at 7 wraps with a generous tie-on tail)
L1-2:__; L4: __
8″ x 8″ Loom
9 wraps (I don’t have a working 8″ x 8″ loom at this time, but I’ve found a good rule of thumb is size of loom plus one, e.g. 8 wraps + 1)
L1-4: (should be about 32 yards)
L1-3: __; L4: __
L1-2:__; L4: __
Weave-It Rug Loom
3 wraps
Yardage Requirements and Recommended Pin Perimeter Wraps for Rectangular Looms

Wunderwag Industries rectangular looms—please note: white frames were custom ordered; the looms you would receive have a clear frame
1″ x 2″ Loom
2.5 wraps
1″ x 4″ Loom
2.5-3 wraps
1″ x 6″ Loom
2.5-3 wraps
2″ x 4″ (or 4″ x 2″) Loom
3.5 wraps
2″ x 6″ (Bookmark) Loom
4 wraps (or 3.5 + 1/2 of long side)
L1-4: 5 yd, 28″
3″ x 6″ Loom
5 wraps
(3″ x 6″ not currently available from Wunderwag Industries)
4″ x 6″ Loom
5.75 wraps
Yardage Requirements and Recommended Pin Perimeter Wraps for Triangular Looms
2″ x 2″ Right Angle Loom
2 wraps plus one length of hypotenuse
1 yard 16 inches
4″ x 4″ Right Angle Loom
3 wraps plus one length of hypotenuse
4 yards 15 inches
6″ x 6″ Right Angle Loom
4 wraps plus one length of hypotenuse
9 yards 6.5 inches
*4″ x 4″ Loom — some variegated yarns have very long color bands, e.g. Yarn Bee Urban Chic (acrylic/ cotton blend, available at Hobby Lobby). If you want to have L1-2 in one color band and L3-4 in the next without cutting the yarn (color changes automatically when you turn at Cr3), make sure you start with 3 yd, 28 in. (I’ve found that I have to fiddle with this a lot; Urban Chic is thin and stretchy and takes less than 3 yd, 24 in. Hopefully this gives you an idea of how to use long color bands.)