Not long ago I was amazed to discover I had over 300 subscribers. I’ve been thinking about having a giveaway for some time, so I decided that when I reached 333, I’d do it. But I had to actually see the number three-three-three.
Here it is: The Big 333!
Now, what shall I give away? I could part with one of my small looms (2″ or 4″) or some squares (say, 3 + 3 + 3 = 9) or several yards of homespun yarn. In fact, maybe all three.
I think there are newfangled ways of doing drawings online, but I don’t know how, so let’s just say, if you want to be in on the drawing, send me an email ( with 333 Prize in the subject line. You many enter ONCE over the next three days. (Your email must be sent by 3:33 P.M. on 10/10/19.)
If your name is drawn, I’ll contact you and ask you for your mailing address (so make sure your email address will receive mail—I get a few people who can’t or don’t receive my replies to their questions). Sorry about this: Contest is open to US residents only (unless you’re willing to pay for overseas shipping). Please indicate your preferred prize in your message to me. Do not send links to any sites. And please be polite and kind in case I’m leaving out some important legal details. This is a friendly giveaway… 🙂
P.S. If you choose homespun yarn please indicate whether or not you’re allergic to wool.