The following information was originally on the Facebook Pin Loom Weaving Support Group. According to new Facebook policy (as far as I understand it) the post is considered spam because of all the links it contains. I don’t want to lose the information I’ve collected, so I’m posting it here.
eLoomaNation (Projects)
Pin Loom Weaving (by Margaret Stump)
Schacht (Project Archives)
Windswept Mind (by Sue Burton)
Recommended YouTube videos:
Loom Types and Sellers (some ship internationally):
Blue Butterfly looms (wide-spaced looms)
Turtle Looms (hexagon looms)
TotaLoom (adjustable looms)
Ullvuna (adjustable looms)
Weave-It, Weavette, and Loomette: [eBay auctions]
Wunderwag (acrylic looms)
Zoom Loom: [Amazon and many other retailers]
Outside the US: