While sorting through old patterns—some rejected—I ran across an abandoned project and an unusual-looking pattern. I consulted my notebook and then my printed copy of Weave-It Magic Squares. Looks like I asked, “What if…?” on the “Plain and Fancy” pattern. Mine isn’t a perfect square, and I’ve crocheted around the border, but I thought I’d share it here in case anyone is interested.
R1 and 16: P
R2 and 15: (U3, O1) x 7, U3
R3 and 15: P2, (U3, O1) x 6, U3, P2
R4, 6, 8, 10, 12: U3, O1, U3, P17, U3, O1, U3
R5, 7, 9, 11, 13: P2, U3, P21, U3, P2
(See also Recessed Square 2, Loomette Sunken Square)
Pingback: Loomette Sunken Square — 4″ (31 x 31) pattern – Adventures in Pin Loom Weaving
Pingback: Recessed Square 2 — 4″ (31 x 31) pattern – Adventures in Pin Loom Weaving