Spring is here and the crocuses are up.

I don’t know if I love this pattern or not. I got the idea from a quilt block and I reproduced the pattern fairly accurately. The trouble is, with quilting you get to use different colored bits of fabric to make the shape of the flower more apparent. This design shows a large amount of flower body without emphasizing the open petals. As it now stands, here it is…



2 Thoughts on “Crocus — 4″ (31 x 31) pattern

  1. Ines Solito on 31 March 2020 at 4:55 PM said:

    Hola Sue,que bueno que hayas publicados nuevos diagramas, yo todos los practico,en este momento de pandemia es una gran compañia para mi que dicen que con 72 años se tiene mas riesgo.

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