There’s this phenomenon—what shall we call it? Designing Disease—that happens when I begin posting patterns and commenting on them. Fever strikes and I begin designing anew. Today’s patterns are variations on yesterday’s. (These also, sadly, have no names.) All are warped in L1/2-4 configuration. Seems to be a rule of thumb that when weaving Over and Under groups (usually O3 or U3, but not always), layers 3 and 4, at least, should be the same color.
This first one turned out rather disappointing because I didn’t use high contrast colors (I’m out of practice!), but I think it might be an interesting design. It uses Layer 2 Manipulation (L2M) which might sound intimidating, but is really quite simple. (See also Hourglass pattern on Windsweptmind.)
These photos show part of the process.
I think it might be interesting to eliminate the center U3s on R8 & 9 and add another O3 on either end of R8a, but that will take some experimenting (designing L2 manipulations boggles my mind).
The following two patterns are nearly identical. The difference is in the very center of the squares. Most of the squares I wove today look either boring or nearly identical to each other on the back, so I only included the back view of this one (along with its front).
The L2M on this one occurs on only strand, so it’s a bit easier than the first one in this post. You can eliminate the L2M and also leave out the double U3s (as in pattern just preceding) and still have an interesting square.
This one cries out for further exploration, but I’ve spent too much time designing today. (A body’s got to eat sometime.) It’s the second diagram (unwoven) from yesterday’s second pattern, but I’ve made R8 & 9 the same.
This is the diagram I’m intending to start with (if anyone else is interested in messing around with the design).