It’s been a while since I designed any patterns and I guess I’ve been missing it. Here are a few variations on the “Wall Bars” pattern I designed earlier today. (You might wonder where variations 1 and 2 went. Let’s just say they went.)
Wall Bars designs use the Slide technique. Slide means that the needle slides between the warp layers rather than going Under the L1 warps or Over the L3 warps. The L4 weft thread will be in between the warps alongside the L2 threads on either side of it. When I count the slide stitches, I tap them with my needle to keep track of them.
This one is an even and odd row repetition.

Note: Pink/Red refers to UNDER; Blue refers to OVER
Plain weave or non-sliding groups of stitches are shown in the paler colors. See explanation for Slide at the top of this post.
This is two pattern stitch rows interspersed with rows of plain weave.

Note: Pink/Red refers to UNDER; Blue refers to OVER
Plain weave or non-sliding groups of stitches are shown in the paler colors. See explanation for Slide at the top of this post.
This one is an even row pattern repetition interspersed with plain weave on the odd rows (and row 16).

Note: Pink/Red refers to UNDER; Blue refers to OVER
Plain weave or non-sliding groups of stitches are shown in the paler colors. See explanation for Slide at the top of this post.
Another even and odd row repetition.

Note: Pink/Red refers to UNDER; Blue refers to OVER
Plain weave or non-sliding groups of stitches are shown in the paler colors. See explanation for Slide at the top of this post.
This is a single pattern row interspersed with rows of plain weave.
Pingback: Wall Bars 4 two variations — 6″ (47 x 47) patterns – Adventures in Pin Loom Weaving
I’m completely charmed by the Wall variations and am about to begin Var. 4 for 4×4 loom. Being old, forgetful, and contrarian (and lacking a printer), I prefer the written-out instructions. I think there’s an error for the odd rows, which I discovered by counting and then checking the chart🙄. The instructions for R 3 and all odd rows begin: P2. I think they should begin: P9.
I’ll find out soon enough!
Thanks over and over for the hours of pleasure your imagination and hard work have brought me.
Thanks for the heads up. I’ll make the correction. Interestingly, it was correct on the bitmap version, but WordPress won’t allow me to upload bitmaps anymore; no idea how it ended up different on the jpeg. Glad you’re enjoying the patterns.