These patterns are related to or inspired by “Diamond Corral.”

Diamond Band

Diamond Band — this one kind of bothered me at first, but it’s grown on me. The stitches missing from R10 aren’t really noticeable on the finished square. And I like that I was able to get the top point of the diamond in.

Diamond Corral var 1

Diamond Corral var 1

Diamond Bar X

Diamond Bar X

Diamond Bar X
I have a 4×4″ Skipper Loom by Blue Butterfly. There are 15 pins on every side. It has a 4, 3 and 2 pin configuration, depending on which side or corner you look at. In other words, this loom holds a maximum of 19 individual strands of yarn in each direction (counting all warp and woof stitches). This allows for 19 individual rows of yarn or 19 little stitches or “squares” in the plain weave per row. Let’s call each tiny square a “pixel.”
You show on your pictures above a total of 31 (excluding the outside double arcs or bumps from the warping. Aren’t these ALL pictures of 6×6″ looms? This is important, because a LOT of the patterns for 6″ looms do not show up as given on a 4″ loom. Even if 4 strands (e.g, for a color change in a plaid) are dropped down to 3 or 2, the pattern will not emerge the same — it takes a 6″ loom to really show the pattern to the best advantage. Do you have any deigns for actual 4×4″ looms?
For some reason I can’t find any information on my blog about the Skipper loom. It’s also possible that I wrote about this on the Facebook Pin Loom Weaving Support Group and it isn’t here on the blog. Please look up “sett” in the glossary if you don’t already know what it means. The Skipper loom doesn’t have the same sett as a Weave-It, Wunderwag, Loomette, or Zoom Loom. Those all have a sett that accommodates 31 strands in approximately 4″. (I think 4″ is the size of the frame not the actual finished size of the square.) Because different looms can have different setts I tried to include that info in the title of each weaving pattern. I haven’t designed any patterns for a 19 x 19 sett loom; the closest is the “2-inch” Weave-It at a sett of 15 x 15. You can use those patterns on your 19 x 19 loom and just plain weave two strands on either end of each row. In an early blog post ( I explained the difference between outer loops and inner strands. Does this answer your questions? If not, please feel free to contact me again.