This was first posted in November 2015 on the Facebook Pin Loom Weaving Support Group; designed by Jody Delisle. Here you get a glimpse of someone else’s style of notation. I’ve also included a diagram.
wp or w = weave plain
u = under
Row 1 & 2: wp
Row 3: w14 u3 w14
Row 4: wp
Row 5: w6 u3 w5 u3 w5 u3 w6
Row 6: w8 u3 w9 u3 w8
Row 7: w10 u3 w1 u3 w1 u3 w10
Row 8: w2 u3 w1 u3 w13 u3 w1 u3 w2
Row 9: w10 u3 w1 u3 w1 u3 w10
Row 10: w8 u3 w9 u3 w8
Row 11: w6 u3 w5 u3 w5 u3 w6
Row 12: wp
Row13: w14 u3 w14
Row 14, 15 & 16: wp
*Used by permission. Copyright Jody Delisle 2015.