They don’t have names yet. I’m taking suggestions—please comment.
Thanks to Joanna and Beverly for suggesting names that helped me decide what to call these patterns!
English Garden
Sample: YBSS “Keylime”
R1: P
R2: P6, (U3, P5) x 2, U3, P6
R3: P4, U3, P5, U3, O1, U3, P5, U3, P4
R4: P2, (U3, P5) x 3, U3, P2
R5: U3, P5, U3, P9, U3, P5, U3
R6: Rpt R4
R7: Rpt R3
R8: Rpt R2
R9: P8, U3, P9, U3, P8
R10: Rpt R2
R11: Rpt R3
R12: Rpt R4
R13: Rpt R5
R14: Rpt R4
R15: Rpt R3
R16: P
Broken Fence
Sample: CSS “Woodland Heather”
R1: P
Even Rows: P3, O3, P5, O3, U3, O3, P5, O3, P3
Odd Rows: U1, O3, P3, O3, P11, O3, P3, O3, P1
R16: P
I see a lot of possibilities for variations when I look at this pattern . . .
Diamond Corral
Sample: CSS “Bone”
R1: P
R2: P14, U3, P14
R3: P12, U3, O1, U3, P12
R4: P10, U3, P5, U3, P10
R5: P8, U3, P9, U3, P8
R6: P6, U3, P13, U3, P6
R7: P11, O3, U3, O3, P11
R8: P2, U3, O3, U3, P9, U3, O3, U3, P2
R9: Rpt R7
R10: Rpt R8
R11: Rpt R7
R12: Rpt R6
R13: Rpt R5
R14: Rpt R4
R15: Rpt R3
R16: P
Now I know what it looks like, I want to try this: Start and end R7, R9, and R11 with U3 and remove the first and last O3 from R8 and R10. (Then it would be a “Square in a Diamond” quilt block pattern.)
Still thinking on the others….but #1 looks like a trellis to me. So “Garden Trellis”.
Joanna, I may have used the word trellis in other patterns, but I can only think of one that has the word garden (a lovely word) in it. The pattern looks a bit like a bird’s eye view of a garden—with paths and flowerbeds. What do you think of English Garden? I wonder how it would look with beads in the flowerbeds.
Unamed October 2 brings broken fences to my mind.
unnamed october 3 says golden corral
Beverly, are you are rancher kind of gal? I like the names you suggested, but not necessarily for these patterns. A broken fence would have a more irregular appearance in my mind. Maybe Fence Post?
I might go with Corral for the second one . . . Diamond Corral???
After diagramming Unnamed 2 I’ve decided to go with Broken Fence (singular) because the pattern does actually have an uneven appearance. Thanks for the ideas!
Sue it’s Beverly Anglin, and I am wowed you liked my suggestions. Not a ranch girl, but grew up in the country. It made me think of split rail fencing, very native to the part of Ontario where I grew up. I live in Mississippi now..and that’s a very long story. As I told my good friend Rita..who got me to your site, I think we’ve unleashed a weaving beast..didnt know it was there ! Oh the fun were going to have !
My husband’s mother grew up in Ontario, north of the populated part.
The weaving addiction is strong in this one. Enjoy your inner beast!