A reader asked me about this pattern. It can be found in Florencia Campos Correa’s book, 100 Pin Loom Squares (under a different name), but if you don’t own that book, her three-layer patterns, and many others, can be found in the vintage Weave-It Weaves, Weave-It Magic Squares, Loomette Handbook, and Original Loomette Weaves handbooks on eloomanation. Read More →
Modified Two-Layer Warping (2LW) is what you might call a CHALLENGE TECHNIQUE. You can certainly weave this pattern in regular two-layer warp fashion—alternately weaving an L4, then an L2 row. You could also manipulate the layers while warping (usually referred to as Layer 2 Manipulation, or L2M). I think it’s easier to combine two- and three-layer warping-and-weaving.