This pattern was originally called “A New Design 4a.” Sometimes I can’t think of a good name while I’m in the thick of designing. Somebody received a square with this pattern in the recent pin loom square swap we started in January (and finished in April) on the Facebook Pin Loom Weaving Support Group. I promised a better name for the design, hope this one qualifies.
The problem with saving up new patterns and posting them two or three months later is that confusion often sets in—can’t tell what this one is even though it says it’s this, but it doesn’t match the diagram. Spent the day figuring out these patterns only to reject the two in question (saved you the trouble).
Hope this comes in handy for something—maybe cross-stitch or some other central motif.
Open Weave Heart 1 originally had the U3 at the center of R4 as optional. When I wove the sample below I left that U3 out. I put it in on Open Weave Heart 2 and decided I liked it best that way. The center U3 of R4 is no longer optional, but it is missing from the pink sample below.
I’ve mentioned this pattern a couple of times on this blog, and even posted the chart, but it’s never had a post to itself with sample photos. I liking adding different motifs to the centers of hearts.
It would be interesting to see this one with L3 and L4 the same—maybe L1/2-4.
These patterns are essentially variations of each other; the hearts are all the same. The squares in the photos all have their ends worked in, so the edge warps and wefts of each are doubled. When I use two colors the warping scheme is L1-3/4 unless otherwise designated.
Read More →“Today is the day,” I decided, “to start posting patterns.” With over 100 photographed squares to choose from, it should have been a breeze. Well, a breeze certainly confronted me—a good, stiff one, more of a gale (as in gale force winds).
The wind is BLOWING here today and the first square I picked up from one of the To BE Posted baskets had no photo to go with it. Went outside to snap the photo. What should have taken seconds took minutes because of the wind. The photos took seconds, but waiting for breaks in the breeze (during which I was getting significantly wind-chilled) took minutes. Sheesh!
(Originally published 17 Oct 2017, now with updated diagrams)
I haven’t woven these two patterns, but I know they looked good as 4″ squares.
I offer them here for the 6″ loom.