I’m not crazy about this one, but the flower-ish design in the center of two columns (on the back of the square) is interesting. Perhaps I don’t favor this sample because it’s woven with L1&2/3&4 warping, which is my least favorite combination. It might be worth weaving with L1 darker/2-4 lighter.

DuO Diamonds 3a, back. On this side of the square, the center diamond gets overwhelmed by the flower shape amidst two columns.

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This is the first in a series of DuO patterns. I’m not crazy about it, but I’m posting it in case someone else wants to try it. I remember how much trouble I had designing the number 8 and here I just stumbled across it. (However, this is what I’d call the negative version; the back of the square is not as clearly an 8. Still it might be worth a rewrite…)

DuO, front

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